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Legal Update: DOL Issues Guidance on AI-related Wage and Hour Risks

美国劳工部发布人工智能相关工资和工时风险指南——2024年4月29日.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division (WHD) published 现场援助公报 (FAB) No. 2024-1 美高美集团4688人工的使用...


HR Compliance Bulletin: DOL Issues Guidance on AI and FMLA Administration

劳工局就人工智能及劳工法的管理发出指引-美国工资及工时局(WHD.S. Department of Labor recently published a 现场援助公报 (FAB) warning that the use of artificial intelligence (...


网络风险 & Liabilities: ​Cloud Security Management Explained

云安全管理解释——云计算指的是一种按使用付费的服务,它为用户提供按需访问一系列IT资源的能力.g., databases, software, servers, networking and analytics...


HR Insights: 4 Ways AI Will Impact the Workplace in 2024

人工智能将在2024年影响工作场所的4种方式——2023年,人工智能(AI)引起了各行各业的关注, revolutionizing the way organizations operate and make decisions. 许多雇主都采用了这种做法...


Know Your Benefits: Assessing the Viability of AI as a Self-diagnosis Tool

——评估人工智能作为自我诊断工具的可行性——人工智能(AI)在许多行业创造了革命性的进步. Now, it’s paving its way as a tool to self-diagnose medical conditions...


Risk Insights: AI + Employment Decision

在就业决策中利用人工智能——组织越来越多地在与就业相关的决策中使用人工智能(AI). According to the Society for Human Resources Management, around 25% of...


Know Your Benefits: Assessing the Viability of AI as a Self-diagnosis Tool

——评估人工智能作为自我诊断工具的可行性——人工智能(AI)在许多行业创造了革命性的进步. Now, it’s paving its way as a tool to self-diagnosis medical...


Work Comp Insights: Impact of AI

-人工智能的影响及其对工人赔偿的影响-近年来,人工智能(AI)的普及程度激增. Such technology encompasses machines, computer systems and other...


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