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网络风险 & Liabilities: The Role of a Public Relations Specialist in Cyber Incident Response

The Role of a Public Relations Specialist in Cyber Incident Response

When cyber incidents strike, organizations need to respond swiftly and effectively to limit related losses. As such, it’s crucial for organizations to adopt detailed cyber incident response plans. 这些计划应概述组织可以采取的具体步骤,以维持关键运营,并避免在各种网络攻击场景中发生大规模中断和破坏, including data breaches, phishing scams and ransomware events.

Maintaining sufficient communication protocols is a primary element in any cyber incident response plan. 这些协议可以帮助组织在整个网络事件中保持利益相关者和公众的适当信息, reducing the risk of possible miscommunication concerns, reputational damage and revenue losses.

组织在网络事件响应过程中建立可靠通信协议的最佳方法是与公共关系(PR)专家合作. These professionals are typically responsible for developing, 根据需要执行和更新组织的沟通策略,以帮助提升积极的公司形象. 本文提供了更多美高美集团4688公关专家在组织的网络事件响应计划中的作用的信息,并解释了网络保险如何促进对专业公关服务的访问, ultimately enhancing incident response efforts.

PR and Cyber Incident Response

公关专家可以在整个网络事件响应过程中协助组织进行若干通信活动, including the following:

  • Crisis communication planning—Once an organization has assembled the rest of its cyber incident response team (e.g., IT专家, legal counsel and HR professionals), a PR specialist can help identify key roles and responsibilities for each individual. 这样做可以建立一个清晰的指挥链,并概述具体的危机沟通方法,供这些个人在网络事件发生时遵循, keeping everyone in the loop as they navigate their assigned response measures. Regarding their responsibilities, 公关专家可以编制一份在不同情况下应被告知网络事故的利益相关者名单,并将预先编写的电子邮件或短信模板放在一起,以确保将重要的事件发展和恢复进度及时传达给这些各方.  
  • 及时的消息—Transparency is key when responding to a cyberattack. By collaborating with the rest of the cyber incident response team throughout an attack, 公关专家可以帮助组织就最新的事件更新与利益相关者进行公开和诚实的沟通. 具体地说, 公关专家可以利用他们预先编写的模板来提供精确和准确的消息,总结事件细节,并在适当的沟通时间表上突出解决步骤, such as hourly updates. This messaging can help ease any stress or panic among stakeholders, allowing them to maintain trust in the organization as it responds to the incident.
  • Internal communication-组织需要让员工了解情况,以确保他们适当处理不同的网络攻击场景,并防止他们根据错误信息采取行动. A PR specialist can manage employee communication throughout cyber incidents, 帮助这些人保持参与,并解决他们可能对攻击细节和应对措施的任何担忧.
  • Management of public perception and media relations—Along with keeping employees and other stakeholders informed amid cyber incidents, an organization may need to discuss these events with the public. In these instances, 公关专家可以帮助组织处理任何媒体询问,并提供及时的公开声明. 这可能需要随着事件的发展和相关的恢复措施的实施而定期发布新闻稿, representing the organization during incident-related interviews across news platforms, 并监控该公司的社交媒体账户,以回答公众的问题,纠正任何被分享的虚假信息. 这些努力可以帮助组织维护一个受人尊敬的品牌,并最大限度地减少因事件而引起的公众看法的变化.
  • Long-term reputation preservation—Even if an organization provides prompt and honest communication throughout a cyber incident, it will likely experience some degree of reputational damage from the event, potentially resulting in reduced stakeholder confidence, heightened public criticism and lowered employee morale. With this in mind, 对于组织来说,与公关专家一起评估事件的后果,并采取必要措施来恢复对公司形象的长期信任是至关重要的. 这可能涉及与利益相关者沟通,并就组织对网络安全的承诺以及为防止未来事件而采取的措施发布公开声明. 进一步, 公关专家可以与组织的IT部门密切合作,以提高员工的网络安全意识,并制定更具吸引力的教育计划(例如.g., hands-on training and routine incident response drills). 这些措施可以帮助各方更加确信组织正在认真对待网络安全,并积极限制其数字风险.

Insurance and Cyber Incident Response

组织的网络事件响应团队通常包括多个领域的专家和专业人员. It’s worth noting that, depending on an organization’s size and in-house resources, its response team may include either internal or external parties. 换句话说, larger organizations may have entirely in-house response teams, whereas small organizations with fewer resources may seek the assistance of third-party vendors. 无论如何, before hiring any vendors to help respond to cyber incidents, including PR specialists, organizations should consult their cyber insurers to determine whether any policy provisions include vendor-related stipulations or requirements; some insurers mandate policyholders to work with preselected vendors that offer negotiated rates, therefore limiting associated claim costs.

It’s particularly vital for organizations to consult their cyber insurers before hiring PR specialists, as insurers may be able to connect policyholders with vendors that offer specialized PR services (e.g., advanced crisis management solutions, custom content creation, reputation and company performance metrics, and in-depth thought leadership strategies) that they otherwise wouldn’t get. 这意味着, in addition to providing much-needed financial protection against losses stemming from cyberattacks, 网络保险也可能为组织提供最佳公关解决方案的简化途径铺平道路, 为他们提供所需的资源,以便在最困难的情况下保持一个值得信赖的品牌.


一个组织如何应对一个网络事件,它可以建立或破坏其财务和声誉的稳定性. By working with a PR specialist and taking advantage of any services provided by its cyber insurer, 组织可以识别并采用针对一系列网络攻击场景的成功通信策略, 在事故发生时和事故发生后,及时通知相关人员,维护公司的良好形象.

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