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简单地说,就是与所有涉及工伤赔偿的有关各方沟通(例如.g., 员工, 监事, 医疗服务提供者和索赔理算员)不仅为员工提供了更好的体验, 但它也有助于雇主降低与索赔相关的成本. 其他好处包括, 与索赔相关的各方建立沟通渠道可以帮助雇主:

  • 关闭不再需要打开的声明
  • 了解生病或受伤员工所需的护理
  • 让员工早日重返工作岗位
  • 减少诉讼的机会

Employers can use this guidance to educate themselves on how proper communication with the various parties involved in workers’ compensation claims can benefit them, 以及更好地支持他们的员工.


从员工入职的第一天起,雇主就应该与员工进行沟通. 通过培养开放的沟通, 雇主可以建立信任和舒适的基础, 给员工一种他们可以向雇主提出任何问题的感觉.

当雇员生病或受伤时,雇主应立即讨论工人的赔偿程序. 这样,员工就会明白在整个索赔过程中对他们和雇主的期望是什么. 雇员应接受培训,了解如何在受雇时报告职业病和工伤.

开放的沟通也有助于防止员工的疾病或伤害再次恶化. Employers should discuss with their 员工 the new job tasks they will be assigned when returning to work to make sure these tasks won’t cause any irritations to their ailments. 这种沟通会让员工觉得他们的雇主真的关心他们和他们的健康.

It is important for employers to also let their 员工 know what types of benefits they will receive when they are going through the workers’ compensation process. Helping 员工 understand what to expect can reduce their anxiety and foster a better relationship during the claim process.

Employers should train their 员工 on how to report illnesses or injuries and outline what will happen during workers’ compensation claims. 员工 should understand that there will be continued communication between them and their employer throughout the course of treatment for their ailments.

如果雇主在雇佣员工时预先提供了这些信息, 他们可以与员工建立有益的关系, 因为员工将知道自己的期望,并看到他们的雇主正在跟进.

除了报告疾病和受伤, 员工 should be aware that there will be follow-up conversations during the treatment process and for a period of time even after they have healed.

This practice helps employers determine where 员工 are at in the healing process and whether they can return to work sooner. Following up with 员工 can also prevent them from feeling isolated if their ailments caused them to be off of work. Consistently checking in with 员工 can carry huge benefits in the realm of getting 员工 back to work and reducing overall claim costs.

员工 who feel as though they are cared about by their employer tend to be less nervous about their workers’ compensation claims and have a better attitude during treatment. 这可以, 反过来, 促进更快地返回工作岗位,并减少员工提起诉讼的情况.


监事在工人的赔偿索赔中起着重要的作用, as they typically serve as contact points between management and 员工—particularly during the times in which 员工 are healing from occupational illnesses and injuries, 以及在他们重返工作岗位之后. 另外, 监事 can ensure that 员工 are following the correct medical restrictions and help determine which work tasks are available for 员工 within those restrictions.

Employers who do not incorporate their 监事 within their workers’ compensation programs can miss out on valuable opportunities. 例如, 监事 can help prevent employee illnesses or injuries and subsequent workers’ compensation claims by promoting workplace safety programs. 通过每天与员工沟通,并就如何安全地完成工作任务提供反馈, 管理者可以限制疾病和伤害发生的风险,从而减少工人的赔偿要求.

整体, having 监事 included in the communication process of workers’ compensation claims can help further support ill or injured 员工, 同时提供一种经济有效的方式来减少索赔和相关成本.


在可能的情况下,雇主应与生病或受伤雇员的医疗提供者保持联系. 最好是在员工治疗开始之前进行这种沟通. Medical providers and employers should be on the same page when it comes to treatment parameters for ill or injured 员工. 雇主不能规定向雇员提供何种待遇, 但他们可以要求医疗提供者考虑更保守的治疗方法,而不是更昂贵的治疗方法.

Communicating with medical providers also gives employers an opportunity to discuss what options they have in the scope of return-to-work opportunities. 通过审查雇主提供的重返工作岗位服务, medical providers can better understand ill or injured 员工’ typical job tasks and determine what restrictions 员工 should have. 当医疗服务提供者不了解工作任务或雇主操作的性质时, 他们可能会让员工完全停止工作,直到他们完全康复. 这种做法代价高昂,而且实际上会延长员工的康复时间. 话虽如此, 让员工尽快重返工作岗位符合员工和雇主的最佳利益. Another benefit of employers communicating with medical providers is that doing so can help prevent instances of medical provider fraud. Employers who establish relationships with medical providers will be more confident in the quality of treatment that their 员工 receive. 这可以降低相关成本, as employers will have a sense of trust and transparency with medical providers—keeping the providers honest and less likely to overcharge for treatments.


雇员以外, claims adjusters are some of the most important people for employers to communicate with during workers’ compensation claims. Working to foster strong partnerships with claims adjusters can help employers simplify the claim process and promote the best outcomes.

Claims adjusters are responsible for working with 员工’ claims and analyzing various claim aspects to determine how much insurance carriers should pay. Having a relationship with their claims adjusters will only help employers reach their goals for handling workers’ compensation claims.

具体地说, 雇主应该分享他们可能拥有的任何美高美集团4688索赔的额外知识, 因为这些信息可以帮助他们的调理员. 反过来,雇主应该听取他们的调整员的专业意见. 这样做可以帮助减少损失的时间,降低医疗费用,防止欺诈性索赔的发生.

最重要的是,雇主帮助理赔员处理理赔是有益的. This practice helps create a level of trust and encourages claims adjusters to listen to any ideas that employers may have concerning claims. Employers who develop relationships with their claims adjusters can also promote faster resolutions if they do not see eye to eye with their adjusters on a particular claim. 拥有合适的理赔理算员也可以帮助雇主维护他们的组织价值观和使命. 这可以防止员工在工人赔偿过程中产生不满情绪. 如果雇主对与员工的良好沟通感到自豪, 他们应该与拥有同样素质和使命的理赔员的保险公司合作. 这为员工创造了更好的体验,让他们在索赔过程中感到被倾听. 它还可以使流程更顺畅,对员工来说似乎不那么具有挑战性.

很明显, employers who communicate with their claims adjusters can help establish solid relationships and ensure they are adequately included in the claim process.


总的来说,沟通在工人赔偿过程中起到了很大的作用. 与涉及工人赔偿索赔的各方保持联系有很多好处. 这种沟通为员工提供了一个低压力的过程, 为雇主降低成本,并可以创造更有效的索赔经验. 

This 工作对比 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. ©2021 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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